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Chemist, Boryana Mihaylova


address: G. Bonchev, bl. 9, fl. 2, room 214


Phone: + 359 2 960 6 192 

Work experience


2001 - present

Institute of organic chemistry with centre of phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy of  Science


Key words


  • Chemistry of proteins

  • Chemistry of collagen

  • Methods for determination of antioxidant activity


Expert activities




1995 - 1999 

University of chemical technology and metallurgy


master degree

2010 - present

Significant publications


1. I. Goshev, A. Mavrova, B. Mihaylova, D. Veselinova, Antioxidant capacity of some benzimidazole derivatives to definite tumor cell lines, Journal  of cancer Research and Therapy, 2013, 1(2):87-91

2. A. Cipak, L. Mrakovcic, M. Ciz, A. Lojek, B. Mihaylova, I. Goshev, M. Jaganjac, M. Cindric, S. Sitic, M. Margaritoni, G. Waeg, M. Balic, N. Zarkovic, Growth suppression of human breast carcinoma stem cells by lipid Peroxidation product 4- hydroxyl-2-nonenal and hydroxyradical modified collagen, Acta Biochemica Polonica, 2010, 57(2), 165-171

3. M. Ciz, H. Cizova, K. Peichalova, V. Jancinova, I. Goshev, B. Mihailova, R. Nosal, A.Lojek, “Interactions of oxidatively modified collagen with platelets and phagocytes”, Neuroendocrinology  Letters, 2009, 30 ( Suppl. 1 ), 128-132

2010 - present

Significant projects


1. “Investigation of the antiradical and antitumor activity of substituted benzimidazole derivatives and their metal ( Cu, Co, Ni ) complexes “, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivan Goshev, 2014-2015 

Inter-academic collaboration

Lab. Chemistry and Biophysics of Proteins and Enzymes

Acad. G. Bontchev str. Bl. 9,
1113 Sofia, BULGARIA 
Fax: (0359 2) 8700 225


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