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Assoc. Prof. Vanya Mantareva, PhD


address: G. Bonchev, bl. 9, fl. 2, room 211


Phone: + 359 2 960 6 181

Work experience


2014 - 2015

Institute of organic chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry

Associate Professor


2005 - 2013

Institute of organic chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry

Assistant Professor


1999 - 2004

Institute of organic chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry



1991 - 1994

Institute of organic chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry


Key words


  • Photosensitizers

  • Phthalocyanines

  • Photodynamic therapy

  • Photoinactivation

  • Photophysics

  • Photochemistry


Expert activities


2010 - present



1995 - 1998

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Bioorganic Chemistry



1985 - 1990

University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy - Sofia

Engineering Chemistry


2010 - present

Significant publications


1. Mantareva, V., Kussovski, V., Angelov, I., Borisova, E., Avramov, L., Schnurpfeil, G., Wöhrle, D. Photodynamic activity of water-soluble phthalocyanine zinc(II) complexes against pathogenic microorganisms. (2007) Bioorg. & Med. Chem. 15(14), pp. 4829-4835. 

2. Mantareva, V,. Kussovski, V., Angelov, I., Wöhrle, D., Dimitrov, R., Popova, E., Dimitrov, S. Non-aggregated Ga(III)-phthalocyanines: synthesis and photodynamic effect on pathogenic microorganisms planktonic and biofilms cultures. (2011) Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 10(1), pp. 92-102. 

3. Mantareva, V., Angelov, I., Kussovski, V., Dimitrov, R., Lapok, L., Wöhrle, D. Photodynamic efficiency of water-soluble Si(IV) and Ge(IV) phthalocyanines towards Candida albicans planktonic and biofilm cultures. (2011) Eur. J. Med. Chem., 46, pp. 4430-4440.

4. Mantareva, V., Angelov, I., Wöhrle, D., Borisova, E., Kussovski, V. Metallophthalocyanines for antimicrobial photodynamic therapy: An overview of our experience. (2013) J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines, 17(6-7), pp. 399-416.

5. Mantareva, V., Shopova, M., Spassova, G., Wöhrle, D., Müller, S., Jori, G., Ricchelli, F. Si(IV)-methoxyethylene - glycol - naphthalocyanine: synthesis and pharmacokinetic and photosensitizing properties in different tumour models. (1997) J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol., 40, pp. 258-262. 

Significant projects



Lab. Chemistry and Biophysics of Proteins and Enzymes

Acad. G. Bontchev str. Bl. 9,
1113 Sofia, BULGARIA 
Fax: (0359 2) 8700 225


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