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Аssist.  Prof., PhD Lyudmila Velkova


address: G. Bonchev, bl. 9, fl. 4, room 403


Phone: + 359 2 960 6 163

Work experience


2013 - now

Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Science.

Аssist. Prof., PhD


2013 - 2013

Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Science.

Assistant, PhD


2001 - 2013

Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Science.

Specialist chemist, M.Sc.

Key words


  • bioactive  substances

  • gycoproteins

  • peptides

  • glycopeptides

  • proteomics

  • mass spectromety

Expert activities


  • Member of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria

  • Member of the European Peptide Society



2009 - 2012

Institute of organic chemistry with centre of phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Science.

Bioorganic chemistry, chemistry of natural and physiologically active substances.



1983 - 1988

Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski"

Faculty of Chemistry 

Organic and analytical chemistry

Master  of science  in chemistry M.Sc.

Significant publications


1. Kostadinova, E., Dolashka, P., Velkova, L., Dolashki, A., Stevanovic, S., Voelter, W. Positions of the glycans in molluscan hemocyanin, determined by fluorescence spectroscopy. (2013) J Fluoresc., 23 (4), pp.  753-760.

2. Velkova, L., Dolashka, P., Lieb, B., Dolashki, A., Voelter, W., Van Beeumen, J., Devreese, B. Glycan structures of the structural subunit (HtH1) of Haliotis tuberculata hemocyanin. (2011) Glycoconj J., 28(6) pp.  385-95.

3. L. Velkova, L. Nikolaeva-Glomb, L. Mukova, A. Dolashki, P. Dolashka, A. S. Galabov, Antiviral effect of molluscan haemocyanines. (2011) Antiviral Research 90 (2), A47-A48.

4. Velkova, L., Dimitrov, I., Schwarz, H., Stevanovic, S., Voelter, W., Salvato, B. and Dolashka-Angelova, P. Structure of hemocyanin from garden snail Helix lucorum. (2010) Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B Biochem Mol Biol., 157 (1), pp.16-25.

5. Velkova, L., Dolashka, P., Dolashki, A., Voelter, W., Atanasov, B. Structural analysis and molecular modeling of functional unit RvH2-e of Rapana venosa hemocyanins. (2010) Biochim. Biophys. Acta. Proteins and Proteomics, 1804 (12), pp.  2177-2182 .

2010 - present

2010 - present

Significant projects


1. Natural compounds as Immunostimulators with antimicrobial activity from garden snail Helix aspers, project number: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinstchaft DFG-GZ: STE 1819/5-1/12, project leader: Prof.Dr. Stefan Stevanovic and Dr P. Dolashka-Angelova, duration:  (2012-2015)


2. Isolation of  bio compounds from Helix lucorum slime and analyses by mass spectrometry, project number:  Fund for Scientific Research –Flanders (FWO-Vlaanderen),project leader: Dr P. Dolashka-Angelova, duration: 2012-2014


3. Hemocyanins as immunostimulators, and antiviral compounds, project number: HTC 01-187/ Украйна, project leader: Dr P. Dolashka-Angelova, duration: 2009-2011

4. Preparation of novel bioactive products of marine organisms with antimicrobial activity, project number: ТК01/496, project leader: Dr P. Dolashka-Angelova, duration: 2008-2011






Lab. Chemistry and Biophysics of Proteins and Enzymes

Acad. G. Bontchev str. Bl. 9,
1113 Sofia, BULGARIA 
Fax: (0359 2) 8700 225


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