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Ivan Angelov, PhD


address: G. Bonchev, bl. 9, fl. 2, room 211


Phone: + 359 2 960 6 176

Work experience


1996 - 2015

Institute of organic chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry



1985 - 1995

Institute of optics, Sofia

Head of department


1978 - 1981

Institute of optics, Sofia

Engineer, Assistant


1971 - 1973

Bulgarian army

Solder, junior sergeant

Key words


  • lasers,

  • photodynamic therapy,

  • photoinactivation,

  • photophysics,

  • photochemistry,

  • theranostics,

  • interaction of laser  radiation with the matter


Expert activities


2010 - present



1981 - 1984

Moscow State University “M. Lomonosov” Moscow, Russia

Radiophysics and Quantum electronics



1973 - 1978

Sofia University

“Kl. Ochridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria

Engineering Physics


2010 - present

Significant publications


1. C. S. Prasanth, S. Karunakaran, A. Paul, V. Kussovski, V. Mantareva, D. Ramaiah, L. Selvaraj,  I.  Angelov,  N.  Krishnankutty,  L.  Avramov,  N.  Subhash,  Antimicrobial Photodynamic  Efficiency  of  Novel  Cationic  Porphyrins  towards  Periodontal  Gram-positive  and Gram-negative  Pathogenic Bacteria, Photochem. Photobiol., 90 (3), (2014), p. 628-640, doi: 10.1111/php.12198.  

2. V. Mantareva, A. Kril, R. Dimitrov, D. Wöhrle and I. Angelov, Selective photodynamic therapy with  galactopyranose Zn(II)  phthalocyanines  initiated  by UV  and  red  lights,  J.Porphyrins Phthalocyanines, 17(6-7), 2013, 529-539. 

3. Mantareva, V., Angelov, I., Wöhrle, D., Borisova, E., Kussovski, V. Metallophthalocyanines for antimicrobial photodynamic therapy: An overview of our experience. (2013) J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines, 17(6-7), pp. 399-416.

4. Mantareva, V., Angelov, I., Kussovski, V., Dimitrov, R., Lapok, L., Wöhrle, D. Photodynamic efficiency of water-soluble Si(IV) and Ge(IV) phthalocyanines towards Candida albicans planktonic and biofilm cultures. (2011) Eur. J. Med. Chem., 46, pp. 4430-4440.

5. E. Drakaki, E. Borisova, M. Makropoulou,L. Avramov, A. A. Serafetinides and I. Angelov,   Laser induced autofluorescence studies of animal skin used in modeling of human cutaneous tissue spectroscopic measurements, SKIN RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 13   Issue: 4   Pages: 350-359   Published: NOV 2007

Significant projects



Lab. Chemistry and Biophysics of Proteins and Enzymes

Acad. G. Bontchev str. Bl. 9,
1113 Sofia, BULGARIA 
Fax: (0359 2) 8700 225


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